
The hardest thing in the world to understand is the Income Tax.
— Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Experienced in freelance and self-employed individuals, our aim is to consult, bring you up to date news and general chit chat that hopefully you will find useful or at least amusing. With freelance and self-employment levels on the increase, the modern Generation X and Y person is constantly on the move, having to contend with new challenges and growing daily competition, along with having the ability to adapt to constant client demands.

Freelancing has without doubt become more popular over the past few years, people taking the choice to go it alone, aware that they can provide a better service to a customer than a large company, be more flexible when it comes to supplying services into projects and also be a more cost effective option.

Our role here at Broadway Tax is to take the burden off your shoulders when it comes to tax and accounting, leaving you to get on with what you do best.

Between us, we have over 20 years experience, dealing with a range of clients, from the A list stars down to your next door neighbour.  What struck us when working for other firms was the lack of communication when it came to liaising with clients.

A wise man once said to me, "Always call your client.  Even if you have no reason to contact them, just pick up the phone and ask how they are. That personal touch is what will separate you from the rest." - Ivan Sopher (1949 - 2014).

The name 'Broadway Tax' was derived through us working in the Media and Entertainment sector of taxation. Broadway Tax is a firm that brings you a professional and friendly service, but focusing on that personal touch.